Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A year to remember

Looking back over the past year seems rather strange yet wonderful. I have been given so many amazing opportunities and done so many things which I would never have had the chance to do before. With the year coming to an end I thought I would share my highlights of 2014.

Manchester Fashion Week- April 

The second fashion show I helped out at and helped to make some of the pieces. It gave me a great insight into how it works and the work which goes into preparing for a show. It was an amazing day and in true VauhausXEustratia style, the after party was amazing, as was the after after party, and the after after after party...

Studio Day- May 

As well as fashion shows, Eustratia host events such as the open house day and studio day. Unfortunately I missed the open house day as this was before I started my internship but I was around for studio day. Models have the chance to be shot by photographer Toria Brightside whilst wearing Eustratia and photographers shoot Vauhaus model hazel, a great opportunity for models and photographers to build their portfolios. 

Disney Shoot- May 

As well as interning for Eustratia, this year I have had the chance to try my hand at a few other things too, one of them being styling. I assisted on a shoot for the Disney Gold Label collection, a range of luxury scarfs, pashminas, throws and cushions. I helped to put the female outfits together and assisted with the men's shots on the day. This was a great day all round and the team were a pleasure to work with. Photographer: John Clarke

German Fetish Ball, Berlin- June

The German Fetish Weekend has been Europes biggest fetish weekend for over a decade, hosting a variety of events including the German Fetish Ball featuring performances from fetish and burlesque acts and fashion shows from a number of latex designers. As well as exploring this amazing city, we also took part in what must be be Eustratias hottest show to date (30+ degrees!). Take me back to Berlin...

Eustratia Jewellery Range- August

I was really pleased to be part of developing the new jewellery range for Eustratia, helping to source suppliers for producing the range and putting together the final pieces. You can view the full range here.

Cyberdog 'Cyberween' shoot- October 

Another chance to try my hand at styling, I was asked to help out with future fashion label Cyberdog's halloween shoot. I had an absolute blast working with this amazing team. Shot by Ryan and Kaz at Andrew Woods Photography

As well as all the amazing events, I have loved being part of Eustratia, learning how to make Stacey's amazing creations and generally assisting in any way I can. Through my internship I have met so many amazing people, some on a professional level and some who have now become good friends. 2014, you have been amazing, bring on 2015!